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Personalizing the sea of web videos, SpeedBit looks at the future of "Now Media"

10 февраля 2010

Continuing the success of its video accelerator application, SpeedBit is now working on the next generation of personally tailored web video content and the advent of the "real-time web." By analyzing web video usage trends, SpeedBit is developing innovative methods to provide custom video streams, trending video updates, and unfiltered statistics on popular web videos from across the Internet.

Last month, at the DLD (Digital, Life, Design) Conference in Munich, SpeedBit CEO Ariel Yarnitsky highlighted these plans and how SpeedBit intends to help customize the web video experience during a panel discussion covering the future of broadband Internet and its impact on the consumption of web videos.

Currently, it's easy for users to find videos such as the Susan Boyle video or "Evolution of Dance" that have been viewed many millions of times on YouTube and other video sites. These videos manage to break their way onto the most viewed lists and stay there for months or years. However, there are countless videos that are quick hits and receive millions of views within a short period of time, yet never reach the megahit list and then fade away into the endless flood of content on the web. No option currently exists that helps users intelligently and efficiently sort through all the content available to find the hit videos that are relevant to him or her.

This is one of the holes that SpeedBit is aiming to fill with a new service it is building. The service will provide a real-time snapshot of trending videos based on the usage of millions of users watching videos at hundreds of popular video sites.

One example of SpeedBit's ability to identify a web video as it begins to spread virally is a very funny video filmed during CES a few weeks ago. In the video, a BBC reporter interviews the CEO of a company that makes a supposedly indestructible phone, and then he accidently breaks the device. SpeedBit identified the viral growth of the video while it had only 797 views. Within 72 hours this video crossed the one million views benchmark.

This video is a great example of the majority of fast growing, viral videos. These videos grow very fast, enjoy a limited life span of popularity, and are quickly eclipsed by other fast growing videos within a few days. Many of these videos are funny, highly interesting, and could offer a unique experience for many users, yet those users will probably never see them.

"We are overwhelmed with a gigantic ocean of content that we need to find our way across," Yarnitsky said at DLD. "It's about finding those very popular videos on YouTube that we like and identifying them early enough. It's about building our own kind of personal TV guide so we know how to navigate across."


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