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EU to revise broadband law to guarantee access to all

03 марта 2010

The European Commission said it plans to revise a law governing the provision of basic telephone and Internet services to Europe's most remote regions to bring it up to date with modern technological demands.

The current telecoms universal services law from 2002 ensures all European Union citizens have access to fixed-line telephone and basic Internet, regardless of their location.

The commission is concerned the rules are outdated and should be expanded to cover broadband access.

To decide how the law should be changed, and how this broadband provision should be financed, the commission wants opinions from stakeholders and interested parties.

It plans a public workshop March 30 in Brussels so consumers, industry stakeholders, policy experts and other interested parties can exchange their views.

The consultation closes May 7, and may be followed by legislative proposals before the end of the year, the commission said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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