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WiMAX market coming out of recession

05 марта 2010

WiMAX equipment and device market up for third consecutive quarter, subscribers up 75% in 2009, says Infonetics Research. 

Infonetics Research released its fourth quarter (4Q09) WiMAX Equipment, Devices, and Subscribers market share and forecast report.

“The WiMAX market is coming out of the recession period strongly, posting three consecutive quarters of revenue growth for 802.16e equipment and devices. With Clearwire in the U.S. announcing strong quarterly results, Yota in Russia expanding rapidly, and others such as UQ in Japan being aggressive, the WiMAX business model seems to be working. Though we are still in the early days, WiMAX is proving to be a good fit in a range of broadband segments in developed as well as developing markets,” notes Richard Webb, directing analyst for WiMAX at Infonetics Research.


  • Worldwide vendor revenue from 802.16d and 802.16e WiMAX network equipment and devices hit $1.08 billion in 2009, down 19% from 2008, as the market suffered the effects of the recession
  • However, 4Q09 was the third consecutive quarter of WiMAX equipment and device revenue growth, up 3% from 3Q09
  • Quarterly revenue levels remain short of the pre-recession market highs of over $300 million seen in early 2008
  • The WiMAX market is showing positive signs of steady growth from this year onward, with major rollouts underway in USA, Japan, Russia, and India
  • Starting in 2011-2012, 802.16m WiMAX products are expected to be tested, certified, and commercially available, offering speeds comparable to LTE
  • For the combined WiMAX equipment and device market, Motorola took the #1 spot in 2009, with 17% of worldwide revenue, just ahead of Alvarion
  • Huawei showed the biggest growth in WiMAX equipment and device market share in 2009
  • The number of WiMAX subscribers jumped 75% in 2009 to 6.8 million worldwide

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