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Web caching re-emerging as VAS platform

30 марта 2010

Application delivery network (ADN) firm Blue Coat is touting the potential of Web caching technology as a value-added services (VAS) platform.

"We're out of the data path but we can still see things like DNS requests and HTTP errors, and because [Web caching] is policy-driven, it has the potential to provide a whole range of value-added services," explained Darrell Long, vice president and general manager of Blue Coat's carrier infrastructure division.

Speaking to Total Telecom, he discussed some of the possible solutions that carriers can deliver using Web caching technology.

"There's URL filtering, so carriers can provide compliant Internet access for users and lawmakers; there's also a security angle there – although whether subscribers would pay for it or would just expect to have it is something to consider," he said.

"We've also been having discussions over error page monetisation. 404 pages are still real estate," said Long.

Web caching can catch errors and instead of returning the standard error message, can deliver a page that service providers can sell to advertisers, he said.

"At the moment an error page looks like, and is, a poor user experience," added Charles Milton, Blue Coat's EMEA service provider director.

"Error catching is a way for [service providers] to make more money off their network," he said.

Long and Milton's comments were made ahead of the Monday launch of Blue Coat's new Web caching solution, which is designed to cut down the amount of bandwidth used by advanced Internet services and online content.

Called CacheFlow, Milton explained that it can be deployed in different areas of the network to cut the cost of delivering traffic and alleviate bottlenecks.

"With legacy Web caching technology the bandwidth savings have been until now around 15% to 25% if you're lucky," said Long.

He said Blue Coat's new caching appliance – called CacheFlow 5000 – can achieve bandwidth savings of up to 50%.

"If you effectively double the caching, you're also effectively halving the time it takes to see a return on investment. Extrapolate that to around five years and you're talking savings in the millions," said Milton.

He said that Web caching is also a way that operators can provision for traffic spikes without having to roll out extra capacity.

"It's events like the death of Michael Jackson that give operators a bad name... Caching can act as a shock absorber for events like this."

For now Blue Coat said it is focused on winning CacheFlow customers in emerging markets where the bulk of online content is delivered from abroad, rather than stored locally.

"We're looking at anywhere where it costs more than $50 per Mbps per month," said Long.

"Sales cycles are a lot faster where the pain is more acute," he said

Источник: Total Telecom

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