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IPTV rises in EU

14 мая 2010

France and German said IPTV subscribers increase in their country.

Almost one in every two French subscribers to ADSL-based broadband services (49%) now receives IPTV services, according to the country's telecoms regulatory body ARCEP.

One year previously, the proportion was 36.9%, representing 6.2mn households.  However, there are now 8.2mn French homes which subscribe to IPTV services today (out of a total of 18.5mn ADSL subscribers), according to ARCEP.

This growth is attributed to the success of triple-play offers, combining broadband access, unlimited phone calls both nationally and to selected international destinations, as well as IPTV.

Deutsche Telekom had reached 896,000 active subscribers for its IPTV service 'T-Home Entertain' by the end of the first quarter of this year, up from 806,000 at the end of 2009 and 448,000 one year previously.

Meanwhile, a further 300,000 customers have signed up for the service and are awaiting connection, the telco added, bringing the total number of subscriptions sold to 1.2mn.  It also had success with its IPTV services outside Germany, seeing the number of customers for its IPTV services in Southern and Eastern Europe almost doubling within the 12 months to March 2010.

Total revenues across all operations and markets reached €15.8bn, down 0.6% year-on-year, while net profit increased €1.9bn by the same comparison to reach €0.8bn.

Источник: IPTV news

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