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GSMA: We want more spectrum auctions in India

29 июня 2010

While India's regulators recently concluded highly successful spectrum auctions of 3G and broadband frequencies, the GSM Association and others are now calling for India's telecom regulator to release new licenses as fast as possible, arguing that far more spectrum is needed to meet the country's demand for broadband services.

The Indian government expects some 20 million broadband customers by the end of 2010. The majority of those customers will be supported wirelessly given the country's low availability of wired infrastructure. The GSMA argues that new spectrum, especially spectrum located in the 700 MHz band, must be added to support rural markets.

"To meet the growing demand for internet access, the Indian government needs a comprehensive band plan strategy that will enable operators to roll out services in both highly populated and rural areas," said Jaikishan Rajaraman, senior director at the GSMA. "This is best achieved through a combined frequency plan: low frequency spectrum, such as the digital dividend, is ideal for rural and in-building coverage; high frequency spectrum, like that recently licensed in the 2.1GHz and 2.3GHz bands, and the yet-to-be licensed 2.6GHz band, is ideal for ensuring coverage and capacity in densely populated areas."

Источник: FierceBroadbandWireless

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