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Intelsat, iDirect and TANDBERG Joined Forces to Educate Scouts on Satellite Capabilities

23 марта 2007
Intelsat hosted thousands of children for a day of celebrating space and satellite communications. Intelsat and the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital were together sponsoring Girl Scout Day at the National Air and Space Museum in Chantilly, Virginia, Intelsat had been joined by hardware partners iDirect Technologies and TANDBERG. Together companies created a fun and interactive live demonstration of commercial satellite communications for the event, which was open to the public.

Located at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy Center, the Intelsat/iDirect/TANDBERG demonstration produced a two-way “scout-to-scout” videoconference between the more than 8,000 attendees at the museum and Atlanta-based scouts who will be hosted at the Anselmo Customer Service Center in Ellenwood, Georgia. Young attendees also had the opportunity to place satellite-based telephone calls to family and friends.

“Being able to connect people all over the world is an exciting aspect of Intelsat’s business. We are very proud to support the Girl Scout Day and have the opportunity to share with the next generation our passion for the commercial satellite industry,” said Dave McGlade, Intelsat CEO . “We are especially grateful to iDirect and TANDBERG who work with us on a global basis, for their support of the live demonstration.”

The demonstration features satellite-based IP data networking technology integrated with video conferencing hardware. iDirect Technologies was providing the two-way network infrastructure with its 5000 series of remote routers and satellite antennas, further enabling this application with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) connectivity. TANDBERG was supplying its TANDBERG 800 MXP set-top solution, designed for videoconferencing applications. TANDBERG’s set-top equipment will transform the standard TV signal at the event into an interactive experience between the scouts in Metro Atlanta and the Washington area museum. For the video and voice transmissions, Intelsat was uplink the signal from the museum to its Galaxy-10R satellite and will downlink at Intelsat’s teleport facility in Ellenwood, Georgia.

“One of the most rewarding parts of what we do is being able to provide students and children new educational opportunities,” said John Kealey, CEO of iDirect Technologies. “Whether it’s enabling broadband access to schools or working with Intelsat and the Girl Scout Council to demonstrate the power of satellite technology, we are proud to be a part of the education process.”

"The power of visual communication lies in its ability to transcend distance to bring places such as the Air and Space Museum directly to children such as the Girl Scouts, regardless of where they are," said Rick Snyder, President, TANDBERG Americas. "TANDBERG is thrilled to be a part of such an exciting event and we hope that the Girl Scouts in Atlanta enjoy this experience."

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