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Intel and Nokia Establish First Joint Research Laboratory at University of Oulu

24 августа 2010

Intel and Nokia are to establish their first collaborative research laboratory at the University of Oulu, Finland. The initial framework brings about two dozen researchers sourced from the local research community to work at the co-laboratory for three years. The lab's research activities have started gradually during August.

Initially, the lab will focus on creating new services that leverage the rapidly increasing processing and graphics power of mobile devices. The first such research project is looking at graphical 3D technology.

"The University of Oulu's focus on future telecommunications solutions as well as electronics and photonics made it the perfect location for the Intel and Nokia Joint Innovation Center," says Justin Rattner, Intel chief technology officer and director of Intel Labs. The co-lab parties believe in the potential for 3D internet to become the next major break-through in mobile user experience. The Oulu region hosts a strong 3D internet development community, and technologies such as the open-source virtual reality platform realXtend have been created as a result of 3D internet research in Oulu.

Center for Internet Excellence provides hosting and operational management for the Intel and Nokia Joint Innovation Center, Oulu with Intel and Nokia providing research and technology expertise and support. In addition to co-lab parties' financing, additional funding has been applied from Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation.

Источник: Cellular news

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