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Orange rolls out HD Voice for clearer calls

02 сентября 2010

Orange has finally rolled out its High Definition Voice technology, with the network promising 'crystal clear' call quality.

The latest addition to Orange's service was announced last year, and trials have been ongoing through the summer.

The launch was penned in for late summer, and the network has hit its target, with the service arriving on 1 September.

Running interference

HD Voice gets rid of the interference from calls, and should help those people who like to make calls from trains, football grounds, festivals and rock concerts with the technology apparently shining in noisy environments.

Orange HD Voice is available for free to all Orange mobile customers who take a HD Voice enabled handset with the Nokia 5230, Nokia X6, Nokia E5 and Samsung Omnia Pro all HD Voice enabled at launch and further manufactures expected to offer HD handsets in the coming months.

Tom Alexander, Chief Executive of Everything Everywhere, the company which runs Orange UK, said: "Although what we use our mobile handsets for has evolved significantly in the past few years - the way we make mobile calls hasn't changed a great deal since the 1990s.

Hearing, believing

"So we're proud to be the first telecommunications brand in the UK to change this and offer customers a revolutionary new calling experience.

"With mobile HD Voice - hearing really is believing."

Источник: Techradar

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