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Belgacom delivers Belgian Pro League football to TV, PCs, smart devices

13 сентября 2010

Belgacom subscribers can now watch live Jupiler League football matches and highlights not only on their TV, but also on their PCs and smart devices with HTTP streaming.  The operator has undertaken a phased deployment of Nokia Siemens Networks’ Ubiquity Multiscreen TV Platform to add mobility and flexibility to the TV viewing experience. In 2011, they will be able to access TV content on any device of their choice at any time.

“We have been providing IPTV services for the last five years, and it is now time for us to raise the bar on TV viewing experience,” said Michel Georgis, executive vice-president, head of consumer business unit at Belgacom. “Considering the popularity of football in the country, we felt that there could be no better content to start with than the Jupiler League football. With the introduction of multi-screen TV services in the country next year, we aim to place greater control in our viewers’ hands over the choices of TV content and devices on which to access their preferred content.”

“With quad-play emerging as the new battlefield, the Belgian market is going through an immense change. Operators can differentiate themselves in this area by enabling access to content across a range of devices and access technologies," said Filip Rommelaere, customer team head for the Belgacom Group at Nokia Siemens Networks. "Our Ubiquity TV Multiscreen Platform will allow Belgacom to go one step further with integration of third-party applications for a more personalized service delivery. In addition, with the integrated digital rights management our solution protects premium content across all the different devices and access technologies." 

In the initial phase, Nokia Siemens Networks has supplied encoders and streamers to enable Belgacom subscribers to watch Jupiler League matches on their PCs and smart devices. In addition, it has provided integration services to incorporate these products into the IPTV solution. Belgacom already has over 850,000 IPTV subscribers in the country. 


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