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Operators Plan to Launch Enhanced RCS Services Later This Year

15 февраля 2011

The GSMA says that it is welcoming a new version of Rich Communication Suite (RCS) that will enable mobile phone customers to use instant messaging (IM), live video sharing and file transfer across any device on any network operator.

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telecom Italia, Telefonica and Vodafone intend to commercially launch RCS across several European markets from late 2011, and additional operators are expected to launch later in 2012.

As customers open their address book, they will be able to see which communication services are available to them. They can then choose their preferred communications option. For example, a customer would see if their contact is in an area with 3G coverage and is able to receive video.

The participating operators will work with handset suppliers to ensure the service is integrated into the address books of devices, so that customers will not have to download any additional software or technically configure their handsets in order to benefit from the enhanced experience.

"Mobile operators are committed to giving their customers greater choice in the way they communicate with one and other," said Rob Conway, CEO and Member of the Board of the GSMA. "We welcome the pragmatic approach taken by these operators to accelerate the commercialisation of RCS and simplify the experience for mobile customers and we will work to adopt this specification within the RCS initiative."

The new RCS-e is the result of trials and is a subset of the current RCS 2.0 standard with enhancements.


Источник: Cellular news

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