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IPTV subscriptions to hit 131mn by end-2015

17 марта 2011

Global IPTV subscriptions increased 38% between 2009 and 2010 to reach 46.2mn, and will go on to reach 131.6mn by the end of 2015, giving a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23%, according to the latest figures from Pyramid Research.

Growth is expected to be driven by the introduction of IPTV in emerging markets and the extension of existing IPTV coverage in developed markets to secondary and tertiary cities.  Latin America is predicted to show the fastest IPTV subscriber growth over the next five years, with subscriptions in the region increasing at a CAGR of 56.3% between 2010 and 2015.  

The Asia Pacific region will demonstrate a more modest growth rate of 32.7% CAGR over the same period, but its greater size will mean that it possesses the greatest volume of IPTV subscription net additions (51mn) between 2010 and 2015.  The APAC region is expected to account for 51% of IPTV subscribers globally by the end of 2015, compared to 35% at the end of 2010.

China is predicted to overtake France as the world's largest IPTV market in terms of subscribers in 2011, and China Telecom overtook French operator Free last year as the world's largest IPTV provider.

Due to higher Average Revenues Per User (ARPUs) in the US and Europe, 67% of total IPTV service revenues will come from North America and Western Europe in 2015, while Asia will account for only 28% of revenues.

Worldwide IPTV service revenue increased 45% between 2009 and 2010 to reach USD 11.8bn, and over the next five years the research firm expects IPTV service revenues to increase at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 25% with revenues reaching USD 36.3bn by 2015 - representing 15% of total pay-TV revenues in 2015, compared to 6% today.

Источник: IPTV news

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