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Telstra boss: up to 5GHz to be used for mobile broadband

27 мая 2011

Frequencies as high as 5GHz could be allocated for mobile broadband, according to Brian Miller, general manager of Australian telco Telstra. The comments were made during Miller’s speech at the Radcomms 2011 conference in Sydney, according to a report from local publication Australian IT.

“I think mobile broadband will occupy all of the spectrum below 5GHz in five years,” Miller said. “This is a sweet spot where mobile devices can achieve good coverage in a small package. The issue is actually speed and capacity. It’s about being able to get enough users being able to generate speed and capacity to do what they need to do at the same time,” he said.

The aim would be to optimise the efficiency of next generation mobile broadband networks such as LTE and LTE Advanced.

Spectrum harmonisation is a major issue for the LTE global market, and at the recent LTE World Summit major European operators Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and TeliaSonera all called for the 1800MHz band to be refarmed from 2G and used as a standard for LTE worldwide to aid roaming agreements.

Telstra recently announced that it has activated the first of its LTE base stations in Australia using 1800MHz spectrum.

Источник: telecoms.com

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