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New mobile networks will cause TV interference

06 июня 2011

Communications regulator Ofcom has launched a consultation that could see providers paying up to £100m to prevent new ‘4G’ mobile phone networks from interfering with digital television signals.

Research indicates that in a significant number of cases, new mobile networks will interfere with the signals necessary to transmit digital television. A filter, similar to that used on phone lines for broadband provision, will be necessary to combat the problem. In a smaller number of cases, less than 0.1 per cent, more extreme measures may need to be taken, but the nature and scale of that problem has yet to be determined.

The problem, which relates only to the 800mhz part of the spectrum, could potentially affect up to three per cent of viewers if measures were not put in place.

Communications Consumer Panel Chair Bob Warner said he welcomed the move, “It is vital that any potential problems for viewers are identified and consumers protected”, he said.

Sources close to telecommunications providers, who will bid for the spectrum and have to absorb these costs, said that they hoped to keep additional cost and inconvenience to a minimum.

Ofcom is carrying out more research into the issue and expects to publish a further consultation in the autumn. The current consultation closes on 11 August.


Источник: Telegraph.co.uk

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