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Global Mobile Transactions Exceeding $1 Trillion by 2015

04 июля 2011

Yankee Group's latest Mobile Money Forecast finds the value of global mobile transactions will grow from $241 billion in 2011 to more than $1 trillion by 2015, a CAGR of 56 percent.

That growth, coupled with 500 million mobile banking users around the world in the same time frame, presents an enormous opportunity for both new and established players in the mobile money ecosystem. To help companies capitalize on this rapidly evolving opportunity, Yankee Group unveiled a new service called Mobile Money Strategies.

"We are on the cusp of a burgeoning mobile money marketplace, one where first movers will gain a significant strategic advantage," said Gigi Wang, chief research officer at Yankee Group. "With consumers flocking to all things mobile, Mobile Money Strategies delivers the market intelligence and insights needed to profit from this revolution."

Mobile Money Strategies is designed specifically to help retail banks, payment networks, mobile operators and other mobile money players implement, market and monetize successful mobile money strategies. It puts clients on the inside track of the mobile banking, mobile commerce, mobile coupon and mobile payment sectors and offers key insights into current and future mobile money adoption trends.

Источник: Cellular news

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