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Rogers switches on Ottawa LTE network

11 июля 2011

Rogers Communications this week became Canada's first operator to offer LTE services, after switching on its high-speed mobile network in the capital city Ottawa on Thursday.

"This network will power the next generation of innovative products and services in ways we've never seen before," said Rob Bruce, president of communications at Rogers, in a statement. "It will be the backbone of Canada's digital economy as we continue to move from a wired to a wireless world."

Working with Swedish equipment maker Ericsson, Rogers said it will extend LTE services to Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal during the autumn, and plans to cover 21 markets by the end of 2012.

The company also plans to sell two LTE-capable smartphones – one developed by Samsung, the other by HTC – later in the year. Until then, Rogers will offer a Sierra Wireless-made USB dongle, the LTE Rocket Stick, which is capable of providing up to 75-Mbps connection speeds.

"As device selection evolves, maximum theoretical download speeds will increase to up to 150 Mbps," said Rogers.

The launch of LTE on Thursday sees Rogers steal a lead on its Canadian rivals; Bell Canada and Shaw plan to roll out LTE some time during 2011, while Telus is aiming for a 2012 launch.

Rogers' LTE launch comes in the wake of new statistics published earlier this week by the Global Mobile Suppliers Association (GSA), which revealed that the number of commercial LTE networks in operation has reached 24 across 16 countries, up from 17 networks in 12 countries in January. The GSA expects 91 LTE networks to have gone live by 2012.

Back to Canada and Ottawa's deputy mayor Steve Desroches said the city was proud to be involved in the launch of Canada's first LTE network.

"This new technology is a significant step forwards towards increasing the accessibility and enjoyment of high-speed applications while enhancing the productivity and reliability of mobile communications for Ottawans," he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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