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M-commerce to increase by 55% in next five years

18 октября 2011

A report by Barclays Corporate shows consumer spending on mobile and tablet devices will increase to $19.3bn by 2021 compared with $1.3bn this year.

"The growth of mobile sales will, in part, be driven by increases in smartphone penetration and technological improvements such as 4G and near-field communications (NFC). Total 2021 retail sales are expected to be worth some £390bn, with m-commerce accounting for 4.9% of sales," said Richard Lowe, head of retail and wholesale at Barclays Corporate.

Research by payments firm WorldPay found 80% of 109 senior retail managers surveyed plan to add m-commerce services over the next two years. The majority of those polled (60%) said customer expectation was the key driver for expanding mobile services.

However, other reports found consumers still have security concerns about mobile wallet services.

A survey of more than 1,000 UK consumers by research firm Intersperience revealed 44% worry about the lack of security software on mobiles. Only 17% said they wanted to use mobiles as wallets in the future, which may hamper UK adoption.

Industry experts said during a panel session at the Internet Retailing Conference in London in October that the lack of capacity and bandwidth of public networks is also limiting opportunity to develop mobile commerce in the retail sector.

Google is expected to launch its Google Wallet in the UK in 2012.

Источник: Computer Weekly

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