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Brazil to auction LTE spectrum in April 2012

12 декабря 2011

Brazil's telco regulator Anatel has announced plans to auction spectrum in the 2.5-GHz and 400-MHz bands in April 2012, paving the way for the rollout of next generation mobile networks.

"The Brazilian market will guarantee return on investment," Anatel president Joao Batista de Rezende, said in a Bloomberg report on Thursday.

Rezende said he is confident that the auction will garner attention since operators will not want to miss out on Brazil's '4G' market.

He added that Anatel is also preparing to auction off 3.5-GHz spectrum in the second half of 2012.

Furthermore, Rezende revealed that the government aims to begin discussions in the latter half of 2012 on the re-use of spectrum in the 700-MHz band when it is vacated by Brazil's television broadcasters in 2016 as a result of the switch from analogue to digital services.

However, it is not yet certain whether the 700-MHz band will be given over to Anatel.

"Broadcasting is a topic for government, not just Anatel," Rezende said.

Auctioning off next-generation mobile spectrum will help Brazil's mobile market maintain its impressive growth rate.

Anatel predicted in September that the number of mobile subscribers will quadruple over the next 10 years, reaching 1 billion connections in 2022. 

Источник: Total Telecom

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