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D.Telekom, Groupon cooperate on mobile web

10 января 2012

Germany's Deutsche Telekom and Groupon, the world's largest daily deals company, will cooperate in mobile internet businesses, German business daily Financial Times Deutschland reported, citing company executives at both groups.

"We will start some services and activities with Groupon in the coming months," Heikki Makijarvi, responsible for developing new businesses at Deutsche Telekom, was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

Deutsche Telekom aims to generate revenues of 2-3 billion euros ($2.6-3.8 billion) in the field of online services with private customers in 2015, the newspaper reported.

"For us, it's an important step. It is the first time we are entering a cooperation with a wireless service provider," said Michael Shim, responsible for mobile marketing and partnerships at Groupon. ($1 = 0.7851 euros)

Источник: Reuters

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