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Social media breathes new life into live TV

22 марта 2012

The rise of social networking has increased the propensity for consumers to pay for live TV subscriptions, claimed the chief technology officer of Ericsson's TV solutions business, Giles Wilson, during IP&TV World Forum on Wednesday.

People are so connected so much of the time that they cannot escape discussion around their favourite TV shows, Wilson said. "It's not just that they're going to it [the show], it comes to them.

"Because of that social impact, [and] that connectivity impact, people are going back to live TV."

Wilson said Ericsson has researched the effects of the social TV phenomenon and discovered that on-demand and live broadcasts have slightly different relationships with social media. Live TV shows "triggered" social interactions and therefore more viewers ultimately tuned into the broadcast; whereas feedback and recommendations uploaded to social networks before and after viewing on-demand content prompted others to access the same programme.

Additionally, Ericsson's research found that 40% of respondents use social media while watching television, such as through a tablet or smartphone.

"People did find that the social interaction, especially around the content, enhanced the experience," said Wilson. "It's never going to take lousy content and make it extremely good content, but it'll make lousy mediocre, and certainly make reasonable content good."

Indeed, Wilson explained that 25% of consumers are more likely to pay for TV content if they are watching it in a social setting.

The rise of social TV was also noted earlier this week by Twitter's U.K. general manager Tony Wang. He claimed that 80% of people below the age of 25 use a second screen to communicate with friends while consuming TV content.

Источник: Total Telecom

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