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BT names first fibre-only exchange

30 марта 2012

BT announced on Thursday that a rural U.K. village will be its first pilot location for fibre-only network infrastructure.

The U.K. incumbent's Openreach arm will completely replace legacy copper networks with fibre in the Oxfordshire village of Deddington, starting almost immediately. It expects high-speed broadband services to be available over the new infrastructure from 2013.

"BT is starting to explore the opportunities of a future marketplace in which services over copper are replaced entirely with next generation voice and broadband services running over fibre optic cable," a spokesman told Total Telecom. "It is a long term programme given that copper-based services are expected to be available for many years yet."

According to BT, residents and businesses will have access to downstream speeds of 40 Mbps-300 Mbps, compared with 6 Mbps-8 Mbps at present.

It will take BT approximately two years to phase out the copper-based services completely, once fibre-optic alternatives are in place.

"This is an important pilot which will help the industry better understand the opportunities arising from a fibre-only world in which traditional copper will be replaced by the super-fast capabilities of fibre-optic cable," Sean Williams, group strategy director at BT, said in a release.

Deddington is a small rural exchange serving approximately 1,400 lines and is therefore the ideal size for the pilot, BT said.

"It is far too early to be talking about any large-scale exchange closures. [There are] no firm plans at this stage," the company spokesman was keen to point out.

Источник: Total Telecom

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