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ViaSat, Loral and Others Prepare Ka-Band Satellite

14 января 2008

Companies that are well known in satellite circles for their technology and services aimed at the industry are making a big push into the broadband arena.

Loral said its subsidiary, Space Systems/Loral, was selected to provide a high-capacity broadband satellite for ViaSat, known for its satellite and digital communication products. The spacecraft, which is being called ViaSat-1, is expected to be the world's highest capacity broadband satellite, the companies said.ViaSat, Loral and Others Prepare Ka-Band Satellite

The spacecraft is scheduled to launch in 2011 and is expected to provide more than 15 years of service life. The satellite will carry Ka-Band spot beam technology and promises to "service more broadband users at faster data rates than any previous satellite," the companies said in a statement.

ViaSat-1 involves a collaborative effort between ViaSat, Loral, Telesat and Eutelsat, which is working with ViaSat on the networking system and a common wholesale business model that works through existing ISPs, telecommunication companies and pay TV providers.

Loral said it is investing in the Canadian portion of the satellite in anticipation of Telesat - 64 percent owned by Loral - utilizing the capacity for Canadian services. The satellite is planned for Telesat's 115-degree orbital slot.

Источник: SkyREPORT

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