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Huawei deploys Bulgarian WiMAX network

16 января 2008

Bulgarian operator TransTelecom is deploying a commercial WiMAX network operating in the 3.5GHz band which will cover central business districts and key hotspots in the country's major cities including the capital Sofia and the largest port Varna.

Huawei deploys Bulgarian WiMAX networkChinese vendor Huawei is delivering an end-to-end WiMAX solution including terminals. Huawei is also carrying out a major upgrade of the TransTelecom central exchange to support a fully mobile WiMAX network. TransTelecom has already implemented a IEEE 802.16d WiMAX network to meet the growing demand in Bulgaria for broadband services and the new network will utilise the faster 802.16e technology. Huawei's 16e-based WiMAX solution integrates advanced technologies such as multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), which provides higher bandwidth, wide area coverage and more capacity, as well as delivering better mobility. Huawei's new base stations will enable TransTelecom to quickly roll out new services to its customers, while reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Источник: FierceWireless

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