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TeliaSonera bid for Lattelecom

08 февраля 2008

The company said the submitted non-binding indicative offer is subject to approval by the board of directors of TeliaSonera AB, and TeliaSonera has asked the government of Latvia to submit its reply no later than Feb. 29.

TeliaSonera bid for LattelecomSweden's TeliaSonera AB Thursday said it has in connection with ongoing discussions with the Republic of Latvia regarding the future shareholdings of Latvian Mobile Telephone Company, or LMT, and Lattelecom, reconfirmed its strong interest to acquire 100% of both LMT and Lattelecom.

TeliaSonera said it has indicated its interest to acquire, from the Republic of Latvia, 51% of the shares in Lattelecom for a sum of approximately SEK3.7 billion, or LVL273 million, including Lattelecom's 23% shareholding in LMT, and the state-owned 28% of the shares in LMT for a sum of approximately SEK3 billion, or LVL222 million

TeliaSonera said its current direct shareholding in Lattelecom is 49% and the direct and indirect shareholding in LMT is 60.3%.

Источник: Total Telecom

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