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Getting Smaller All The Time... C2SAT and its Mini VSAT

03 марта 2008

The C2SAT unique four axes, up to 2.4m Ku VSAT stabilized mechanical robot, has been modified to be optimized for reflector sizes up to 1.2m, weight less than 100 kg.

A three axes, 0.9m stabilized S-band VSAT is also developed according to the customers’ specification. “Market demands and inquires from military and governmental customers enabled C2SAT to develop and modify a wider product portfolio with short lead-time.” says Fredrik Hanell, CEO C2SAT. The flexibility of the present patented 4 axes stabilised mechanical robot made it possible to tailor solutions based on customers’ demands. The low weight Mini VSAT can also easily be customised for different frequency bands and carry reflectors up to 1.2m. C2SAT’s low weight, four axes Mini VSAT, named C2SAT 1.2m Ku-4M, was to be launched and demo'd at Satellite 2008, Washington D.C., February 26-28

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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