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WiMAX winners

15 января 2007
Trendsmedia, producer of the WiMAX event, selected Xchange Magazine to run a WiMAX awards program. A panel of industry insiders and experts evaluated the nominees, and here are some of the winners:
  • Industry innovation Leading-edge WiMAX technology, microelectronics, hardware, software, or services with transformative potential for the mobile and personal broadband industries.

    Winner: Motorola's WiMAX Distributed Network Architecture

    Runner-Up: InfiNet Wireless' SkyMAN NG
  • System design Box-level systems using WiMAX technology which included approaches or methods above and beyond standardized minimums that enhance the total value of a WiMAX system.

    Winner: Adaptix's BX-3000 Base Stations

    Runner-Up: Telsima's StarMAX 6400
  • Chip design802.16d and 802.16e base station and terminal chips and chip sets, including PHY or MAC or higher-level solutions.

    Winner: Comsys's ComMAX

    Runner-Up: PicoChip Designs's PC202


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