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News Briefs: Netflix Goes PC

14 февраля 2007
TECHNOLOGY -- Online movie rental company Netflix introduced a new feature that allows customers to immediately watch movies and TV series on their PCs. The company said it will make the new feature available to its subscribers in a phased roll-out during the next six months.

REGULATORY -- The Federal Communications Commission extended the window to accept comments on the effects of communications towers on migratory birds. The National Association of Broadcasters, CTIA - The Wireless Association, the National Association of Tower Erectors and a handful of environment groups jointly filed for the extension. The FCC set the new deadline for comments on April 23, 2007 and reply comments due by May 23, 2007.

PERSONNEL -- The Gander Mountain Company signed outdoor TV host and hunting personality Michael Waddell to joint its Elite Pro-Staff and to host The Outdoor Channel's "We Live Outdoors" show. The company said Waddell will also represent Gander Mountain through print and broadcast appearances.


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