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IPTV lacks consumer pull – BBC

17 марта 2008

U.K. broadcaster the BBC said IPTV still requires a critical unique selling point (USP) that is attractive to consumers, in order to bolster subscriber additions going forward.

"Some would say the USP is the delivery of TV over a copper wire, which might be exciting for some, but it's not a USP from the consumer's point of view," said Rahul Chakkara, controller of TV platforms at the BBC, speaking at the IPTV World Forum in London last week.

"The USP from the consumer's point of view is exciting content," he said.

Yet as well as exciting content, Chakkara insisted that IPTV services need to be as engaging and easy to use, with same quality of service and experience associated with regular broadcast TV.

"Between nine and five I'm at work on my PC. When I get home I don't want that, I want my television and I want to relax and put my PC to the back of my mind," he said.

Furthermore Chakkara believes that IPTV will complement traditional TV broadcast technology, rather than replace it altogether.

"Mast-based broadcasting is still the most efficient way to broadcast television content and deliver services – IPTV will run alongside traditional TV," he commented.

Indeed, Chakkara said that IP has broadened the horizons of the average consumer, bringing in a far greater range of content from further afield.

"IP knows no boundaries, it doesn't know the [English] Channel, it hasn't heard of the
Atlantic. It has opened up consumers to a whole new world of content," he said.

Chakkara's sentiments echo those of Microsoft, which also said at the event last week that IPTV has the potential to break down geographical barriers in a way that traditional broadcast television cannot

Summing up, Chakkara said that the primary focus for carriers launching IPTV services must be the end user.

"IP will come and transform TV … but content, not technology will drive its success," he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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