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Totally Trivial: Hell hath no fury

20 марта 2008

This week 400 phones are introduced to an angry lady, a German trucker fights for justice, and eBay goes all flaky.

Angry wife torches phones

A woman in China has been arrested after torching more than 400 brand new mobile phones following an argument with her husband, reports China's Xinhua news agency.

The woman, identified by her surname Wang, ran a mobile phone retail business with her husband in Weifang city, Shadong.

According to press reports the pair were known for their fiery tantrums, and one evening in particular it seems their arguing got a little more than heated.
Following a particularly nasty row Mr Wang stormed out of the house, leaving Mrs Wang indoors with their new stock of handsets.

In a moment of rage, Mrs Wang gathered the phones onto her bed – all $42,100 worth, to be exact – poured kerosene on them and set them alight, before also leaving their rented home.

Funnily enough the black smoke and the smell of hundreds of handsets going to meet their Manufacturer alerted neighbours who promptly called the fire brigade, and Mrs Wang has subsequently been arrested for arson.

Trucker invents new mobile value-added service

A German lorry driver pulled over for allegedly using his mobile phone while driving got off scot-free by claiming he was using it as an ear-warmer, reports Ananova.

Walter Klein, 43, told a court that he was suffering from earache and that the pain was being made worse by the cold temperature inside the truck's cab.

"The cab had not heated up yet, it takes a while on a big rig… So I grabbed the phone that had been on charge and put it to my ear, and that was when I was stopped by police," he said.

The court were not altogether sold on the notion, but Klein then produced an itemised bill showing he had not been on the phone at the time he was pulled over.

Rumours that Erin Brockovich director Steven Soderbergh is keen on turning Klein's courtroom epic into a
Hollywood blockbuster are entirely unfounded, having been started by us, just now.

Motorola's nightmare vision of the future

In what appears to be a suicidal bid to help Motorola turn around its flagging handset business, a French designer has unveiled a concept phone for the U.S. vendor that features two cameras… adjacent to one another.

According to CNET Asia, the dual camera system, which would appear to also include two flash modules, could be used to take 3D pictures – a phone feature that consumers have been crying out for... for literally never.

Designed by Paris-based Lysandre Follet, the phone resembles something a blade runner might use as an electric shaver when on down-time from hunting rogue replicants, maybe.

From the looks of the picture, the blade runner razor (BRAZR, perhaps?) also features WiFi and Bluetooth.

Illinois Corn Flake saga continues

Finally, it's a little off-topic, but if there's one thing that global communication has allowed people to do, it's bid for stupid things on eBay.

The latest bizarre eBay phenomenon to make headlines is the story of the 'Great Illinois Corn Flake', a sugar-coated piece of cereal resembling the
U.S. state of Illinois.

"It was almost to my mouth, it didn't look like
Illinois at first because it was held the wrong way," said Corn Flake owner Emily McIntire, in a report by The Associated Press.

The auction attracted over 171,000 visits with bids reportedly reaching around $200,000.
However, the Corn Flake was then controversially removed by the auction site.

"To our surprise, eBay pulled our auction, citing a violation of their food policy," said a statement on the item's eBay page.

However, a coupon redeemable for the original state-shaped Corn Flake has since been re-listed, and as of the time of writing has attracted bids of nearly $130.

The Great Illinois Corn Flake has encouraged copy cats to auction their own bits of cereal that look a bit like
Illinois, not to mention the Ohio Potato Chip.

If that wasn't enough, one hopeful trader is asking for $500 for a spoon so the lucky winner of the original Corn Flake in question can then eat it.

"Slightly used cereal spoon. Can be used to drown your sorrows with food when you wake up and realize you spent more than two thousand dollars on a stale piece of cereal," reads the item's description.

One piece of the puzzle remains, though: Where do these people find the time to find, identify and then auction cereal?

Источник: Total Telecom

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