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How do Americans use wireless?

27 июля 2009

According to an April 2009 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, 56 percent of Americans said they have at some point used wireless means for online access. The survey asked respondents whether they had used a variety of devices--laptops, cell phones, game consoles and more--to go online using a wireless network.

According to the survey, "at a high level, the data show that there is a gap between the share of people who has a device capable of accessing the Internet and those who do. Some 92 percent of adult Americans have at least one device listed above, but the April 2009 survey shows that 80 percent of adults are online users."


According to the survey, "the figures for use of digital resources on the handheld represent increases from December 2007. In 2007, 77 percent of handheld users had ‘ever' used their device for at least one non-voice data activity, and 42 percent said they did at least one ‘yesterday.'"


These figures show that the 18-29-year-old age group is the largest group of cell phone users, as compared with older Americans.

Источник: FierceWireless

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