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Vodafone attacks T-Mobile on iPhone sales terms

20 ноября 2007

A German court has granted British telecoms group Vodafone a preliminary injunction against Deutsche Telekom's mobile unit T-Mobile over its sales terms for Apple's iPhone.

Vodafone attacks T-Mobile on iPhone sales termsAccording to the injunction, filed at a regional court in Hamburg, the goal is to stop the sale of the iPhone if it is sold only in connection with a 24 month T-Mobile contract and/or is blocked in such a way that it can only be used in a T-Mobile network.

A court spokeswoman said that T-Mobile, which secured the rights to sell the iPhone exclusively in Germany, can file an objection.

A T-Mobile spokesman said on Tuesday the company had received the injunction but would continue to sell the music-playing and Web-browsing device, which went on sale Nov 9 in Germany.

"The legal basis for the injunction is currently being examined," the spokesman said adding that the company would decide on a reaction in the course of the day.

The head of Vodafone Germany told German daily Frankfurter Rundschau the goal was not to keep T-Mobile from selling the popular iPhone.

Instead the company wanted the court to examine whether the terms T-Mobile had set were acceptable.

Customers can buy the handset for 399 euros ($584) but are obliged to agree to a 24 month contract with T-Mobile.

Vodafone lost out to T-Mobile and Telefonica's O2 and France Telecom to sell the iPhone in Europe but has begun selling a similar multimedia handset from Samsung Electronics.

A Vodafone spokesman in London said the injunction was purely linked to the German market and the group did not have any plans to repeat it anywhere else.

Источник: Reuters

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