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Mobile Content Revenues to Top $1.5 Billion

01 сентября 2010

The onslaught of flashy new devices, improved Web-accessibility and growing consumer appetite for mobile games, music and video are fueling a growing market for mobile content - revenues from which will reach an estimated $1.54 billion in the USA this year, according to a new report from eMarketer.

"The continuing advance of smart devices-including tablet-style computers, led by Apple's iPad-and the growing ubiquity of mobile broadband networks mean that consumers have to make fewer compromises when it comes to the consumption of games, music and video," said Noah Elkin, eMarketer senior analyst.

eMarketer estimates combined revenues from three principal streams-subscriptions (streaming music and mobile TV services); direct and pay-per-view downloads (full music tracks, games and TV/movie/event programming); and advertising-supported (games, music services and video)-will more than double from 2010 to reach $3.53 billion in 2014.

Gaming is by far the leader in terms of usage and revenues: The number of US mobile gamers is expected to reach 64 million in 2010, driving revenues of $849 million.

Meanwhile the number of US consumers who watch mobile video or television on their mobile devices is expected to reach 23 million this year and draw revenues of $719 million. By 2014, however, mobile video revenues are expected to reach $1.3 billion.

The main factor driving revenues to game, video and music publishers is still paid or subscription-based content, though ad-supported revenues are expected to grow at more than double the rate of paid mobile content through 2014.

"The rules have not been written-yet," Mr. Elkin said. "The ongoing digitalization of media and the increased emphasis on monetization spells opportunity for mobile game and music publishers as well as producers of video content."


Источник: Cellular news

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