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Games Revenues from Tablets to Reach Over $3bn by 2014

20 марта 2012

A new report from Juniper Research finds that the rapidly increasing tablet user base and the unique form factor of this device will push total end-user games revenues on tablets to $3.1 billion by 2014, up from $491 million in 2011.

Screen of Choice for Games

The report finds that the the large screen size and excellent graphics capabilites of tablets will encourage users to purchase games and in-game items. Users see more of a game’s detail, giving the user an improved experience, particularly when playing more hard-core games. These kinds of games also typically feature console-style buttons on the screen. Using this feature on a smartphone often results in an obstructed view of the game, as the user’s fingers can block the screen, but this is not an issue on tablets.

More Inclined to Spend

Tablets are expensive devices, typically retailing for around $500 with none of the subsidies from operators that are seen on smartphones. Owners tend to have a higher disposable income than the general smartphone user base. Thus they often spend more on game downloads and on in-game items than other demographics.

According to report author Charlotte Miller, ‘The tablet is the perfect device for playing mobile games – the screens are large enough for the user to see the action, no matter how big their hands are. Tablet owners also tend to have a larger disposable income, as tablets are often bought outright rather than subsidised by operators. Higher user satisfaction with games and a bigger wallet mean that tablet games look to be highly lucrative.’

Other key findings from the report include:

  • Social & Casual games will account for the lion’s share of mobile games downloads.
  • Spend on tablet games to increase dramatically, accounting for nearly a third of overall mobile games revenues by 2016.
  • Mobile games revenues on featurephones will halve over the next five years.


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