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Netherlands to Enact a Net Neutrality Law

16 июня 2011

­The Dutch Parliament has approved a law that mandates "net neutrality" for all internet service providers and bars them from differentiating between different types of internet traffic - unless the consumer specifically requests it.

The new law still needs to be ratified by the Senate, but this is generally considered to be a formality.

The telecoms networks had opposed the bill, which forces them to treat low-cost VoIP traffic identically to other services, and is threatening their revenues from conventional voice call services.

Vodafone still blocks the use of Skype services from its 3G network.

One political party, the VVD, had proposed an amendment allowing service providers to charge extra for some services, but this was withdrawn following criticism from consumer rights organisations. It was noted that the proposal had been put forward by a newly elected politician, who was a former director at the country's dominant telco, KPN.

However, it was KPN's recent decision to start charging extra for some mobile data based services that prompted the passage of the new law by the Parliament.

Источник: Cellular news

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