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New roaming SIM promises 80% cut in call charges

18 декабря 2007

While the EU regulators are forcing operators to make their roaming tariffs less penalising for travelers, a new SIM-based service developed by Cubic Telecom claims to reduce roaming costs by up to 80 percent.

New roaming SIM promises 80% cut in call chargesAccording to Cubic Telecom, its Maxroam service is the first to offer a universal SIM that can currently be used in over 160 countries around the world. The company said that customers are given a local number in their home country and another local number in the country they are traveling to. By adopting this approach, Cubic claims it can offer consumers the best country-to-country phone rates anywhere by dramatically reducing costs for both the callers and the recipients of roaming phone calls by using local, in-country numbers.

Cubic CEO and co-founder Pat PHELAN said that the launch of Maxroam would put an end to one of the most extortionate practices in the telco industry--roaming charges. "Our mantra is 'all global calls should be local calls', and we have built a product that can do that."

Источник: FierceWireless

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