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O2 launches LTE in Czech Republic

21 июня 2012

Mobile operator Telefónica O2 this week launched LTE services in the Czech Republic. The network covers the municipality of Jesenice and its surroundings; a total population of almost 10,000.

The network runs on the 1800 MHz frequency using Telefónica‘s 2 x 10MHz spectrum block. Chinese vendor Huawei supplied the infrastructure for the LTE network.

“We will offer our customer real users data download speed of up to 60Mbps and upload speed of up to 25Mbps, with network ping around 20 ms. These are no laboratory conditions, but real speeds that we measured in the location,” said Martin Škop, Telefónica Czech Republic’s director for technologies and network planning.

There are two LTE devices available for O2’s Czech customers to use and the operator is using three LTE Mobile Internet tariffs, starting at CZK333 ($16.6) per month. Handsets may also be rented for CZK1, with a refundable deposit of CZK1,000.


Источник: telecoms.com

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