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SANS Institute reveals top 10 cyber threats for 2008

18 января 2008

Hackers are increasingly using corporate websites to distribute malware and steal company information, security researchers surveyed by the SANS Institute have warned.

The US educational body's list of the 10 most dangerous cyber threats reveals growing technical expertise and professionalism among hackers acting for financially or politically motivated paymasters.

SANS Institute reveals top 10 cyber threats for 2008Criminals are using insecure websites to infect the browsers of visitors with viruses, Trojans and keyloggers. These malicious programs use browser components such as Flash and QuickTime, which are seldom patched automatically, to install themselves in the browser.

Security specialists have even reported malware in digital devices shrink-wrapped at the factory. These include disc drives, USB data sticks, global positioning systems and digital photo frames.

SANS Institute Top 10 Cyber Threats for 2008

1. Increasingly sophisticated website attacks that exploit browser vulnerabilities

2. Increasing sophistication and effectiveness in botnets

3. Cyber espionage efforts by well-resourced organisations to extract large amounts of data for economic and political purposes

4. Mobile phone threats, especially against iPhones, Google's Android phones, and voice over IP systems

5. Insider attacks

6. Advanced identity theft from persistent bots

7. Increasingly malicious spyware

8. Web application security exploits

9. Increasingly sophisticated social engineering to provoke insecure behaviour

10. Supply chain attacks that infect consumer devices

Источник: Computer Weekly

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