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MDA: MMS and mobile web traffic on the rise

12 февраля 2008

It took six years for text messaging to reach the 1 billion per year mark in the U.K., yet, despite supposed consumer indifference, MMS traffic is following a similar growth curve, claims the latest update from the U.K.-based Mobile Data Association (MDA).

The MDA states that MMS traffic in the U.K. has, after only five years and 50 per cent penetration of camera phones, achieved 50 per cent of the SMS target already. The Association points to the 57 million picture messages that were sent last December, an increase of 55 per cent over December 2006.

Perhaps more importantly, almost 17 million U.K. mobile users (23 per cent) accessed the Internet via their handsets in December. T-Mobile U.K.'s CEO, Jim Hyde, put the increased usage down to the ever-improving 3G coverage and connection speeds.
"These are stimulating the uptake of high-speed mobile broadband services such as web browsing, downloading music and mobile TV," he said.

Источник: FierceWireless

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