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Adobe Systems intros Flash Home, Flash Cast 2

15 февраля 2008

According to Adobe, more than 450 million Flash-enabled devices have shipped to date, with content providers including MTV Networks, Nasdaq, eBay and Dolce & Gabbana now embracing its mobile products and solutions.

Software provider Adobe Systems announced the release of two new mobile solutions: Adobe Flash Home, an over-the-air, customizable UI enabling consumers to personalize the look and feel of their handsets and discover new content and services via home screens and data-enabled wallpapers, and Adobe Flash Cast 2, an offline portal solution that delivers rich data by means of mobile applications the company calls "channels." Flash Cast 2, licensed by operators including Verizon Wireless, NTT DoCoMo and Chunghwa Telecom, promises service providers the tools to tailor mobile experiences according to subscriber profiles and device capabilities.

"We're seeing a really dramatic increase in people coming to us to improve their mobile experience and add richness and engagement to their applications and services," said Adobe's director of technical marketing for mobile and devices Anup Murarka in an interview with FierceMobileContent. "[Content providers] are recognizing they now have to have a broader mobile offering, and we think we have a significant role to play in helping that transformation."

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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