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ICO G-1 Experiences Launch Success

21 апреля 2008

The first satellite to use Ground Based Beam Forming Technology (GBBF), as well as the largest commercial satellite ever launched, has successfully gained the regions of space.

Space Systems/Loral (SS/L), a subsidiary of Loral Space & Communications, made the announcement as their new satellite, built for ICO Global Communications, was lifted aloft by an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Several hours after the satellite separated from the launch vehicle, the craft's solar arrays were deployed and its thrusters will be fired later today to for goesynchronous orbit maneuvering. Named ICO G1, this satellite's main purpose will be to provide fully interactive mobile video, navigation, and emergency assistance service, ICO mim (mobile interactive media), for the U.S. (including Alaska and Hawaii), Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

The SS/L-designed GBBF system creates a potentially unlimited number of antenna beams. These are processed at ground gateways. GBBF allows for great flexibility in altering mission requirements. ICO G1 measure more than 27-feet tall and weighs nearly
15,000 pounds, at launch. Deployed, the satellite's solar arrays span more than 100-feet across and the craft has a 12-meter, unfurlable reflector that opens up like an umbrella when the satellite reaches final orbit. The spacecraft is now being maneuvered into its operational slot by managing thruster firing from the Mission Control Center in Palo Alto, California. Within the next few weeks, following final placement at 92.85° W and routine in-orbit testing, SS/L will hand control of the satellite over to ICO for that firm to start their trials for their mobile services. The satellite design is based on SS/L's 1300 space-proven platform and the craft has a mission life of 15 years.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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