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Russian May mobile phone users rise 1.6m

19 июня 2008

The number of Russian mobile phone subscriptions rose by 1.6 million in May to 170.9 million, consultancy Advanced Communications & Media said in a statement Wednesday.

Penetration - or the percentage of all Russians using a mobile phone in Russia - rose to 117.7% in May from 116.6% in April. Penetration in the two largest cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg, stood at 168.9% and 150.0% respectively.

AC&M's penetration rate represents the number of valid SIM cards per 100 people and reflects the fact that many people have more than one phone, especially in the bigger cities.

Unlisted OAO MegaFon gained 611,000 new subscribers, more than any other operator. Recently the lion's share of new subscribers has been taken up by OAO MobileTeleSystems, as the operator -
Russia's largest by users - offered attractive terms to retailers in order to boost its market share.

AC&M gave the following breakdown of the largest operators' subscriber details for
Russia. The figures don't include subscribers of MTS, VimpelCom and MegaFon elsewhere in the former Soviet Union.

VimpelCom's total subscriber numbers aren't directly comparable to those of MTS, since it only counts customers who used their phones in the past three months. Unlike most Russian networks, MTS's total counts any subscriber who has made a call or sent a message in the last six months.

Источник: Total Telecom

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