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IBM seeks to accelerate mobile web development

04 июля 2008

Computing giant IBM announced a collaboration with European Union partners to develop new software tools that promise to improve performance and reduce time-to-market of mobile web applications.

According to IBM, the Milepost project (MachIne Learning for Embedded PrOgramS optimization--yeah, it's a stretch) will create advanced artificial intelligence technology that automatically optimizes newly-developed programs for embedded mobile processors, employing machine learning to determine which compiler optimizations are most compatible with each new hardware design.

The announcement follows on the heels of a recent IBM study reporting that 80 percent of consumers would prefer a mobile service provider that offers more choice in the applications and services available on their device. IBM says the survey indicates to developers the role consumer demand for customization and personalization will play in the future, as well as the necessity for projects like Milepost to foster a more expedient path to market for new mobile apps. IBM adds that the Milepost consortium partners (among them includes the IBM Haifa Research Lab in Israel. the University of Edinburgh and CAPS Enterprise in France) are in the midst of the proposed three-year program, with a Milepost release scheduled to be available to the open source community in June 2009.

Источник: FierceDeveloper

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