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WiMAX spending drops

14 августа 2008

Key WiMAX vendors including Alvarion, Airspan and NextWave posted quarterly results recently as did WiMAX bellweathers Sprint Nextel and Clearwire: The general takeaway is that WiMAX spending is down and the economic downturn alone may not explain the decrease. 

NextWave: "We are feeling the effects of a slowing global economy on our business. This has resulted in lower than anticipated sales of our 3GPP and WiFi-based network products and a delay in WiMAX network deployments that will continue to impact projected sales of our WiMAX semiconductor products," CEO Allen Salmasi stated in a release.

Alvarion, however, is humming a different tune: "Current customers are expanding their networks, bookings are strong, and the pipeline of potential new business is large and growing. This further increases our confidence in our ability to achieve the upper end of our target revenue range of $275 to $300 million for 2008," CEO and President Tzvika Friedman stated.

For its part, Airspan, reported a Q2 3 percent decrease in revenues to $21.4 million.

In the meantime, Clearwire is bearing the brunt of merger expenses: The service provider reported a net loss of $199.1 million, compared with a net loss of $118.1 million this time last year. The results included $27.9 million in impairment losses on investments and expenses of $10.2 million related to the JV process.

Источник: WiMAX Trends

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