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Thuraya Has A Fort in Hungary

06 ноября 2008

To further strengthen its presence in European markets and boost partnership with its key Service Providers, Thuraya has recently appointed Fort Info Technology as a National Service Provider in Hungary.

The Service Provider agreement signed between the two companies will enable Fort to market and distribute Thuraya’s wide range of satellite-based communication solutions in Hungary and neighboring markets. Fort is one of Thuraya’s leading Service Providers that distribute the entire range of Thuraya products and services. They have a growing distribution chain spanning Hong Kong, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dubai, Vancouver in Canada and Nigeria.

The agreement was signed at GITEX on October 23rd by Thuraya’s Chief Commercial Officer Dr. Sven Rohte and Fort. “The expanding and dynamic partnership between Thuraya and Fort will provide impetus for our successful launch in
Hungary and neighboring European markets. With a robust satellite coverage of more than 140 countries, Thuraya is offering several innovative communication solutions that serve corporate and vertical market needs, including competitive broadband service, maritime, fleet tracking and management, mobile voice, and other products designed for remote areas,” said Thuraya’s Chief Commercial Officer, Dr. Rohte.

Fort’s distribution network in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and
Europe most recently will leverage their marketing and distribution efficiency in such a way that allows them to serve an increasingly mobile international corporate client-base.

Thuraya provides mobile satellite handhelds, and ThurayaIP, the smallest satellite broadband in the MSS industry, in addition to marine communications, rural telephony solutions, fixed applications, tracking and other GPS-based solutions. The Company launched its third satellite in January 2008, which has brought countries of the Asia-Pacific region under its footprint and extended its coverage to nearly two thirds of the globe’s population.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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