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TV remains Americans' screen of choice as viewing continues to rise

28 мая 2009

Americans watch on average approximately 153 hours of TV each month at home, up 1.2% from last year according to the latest quarterly results from Nielsen's Three Screens report, which goes on to say that they may choose to consume video on the best screen available, but traditional TV remains Americans' screen of choice.

Furthermore, the 131mn Americans who watch video on the Internet watch on average around three hours of video online each month at home and work, according to the report.  The 13.4mn Americans who watch video on mobile phones watch on average around three and a half hours of mobile video each month.

The report also indicates that American consumers' time with TV, Internet and mobile video continues to increase, with online video growing 13% in the first quarter of this year, driven by strong brand marketing and large media events such as the Presidential inauguration, the Super Bowl and March Madness.  With broadband levels increasing in the US, online video audiences are predicted to continue rising as consumers begin to upgrade their PCs to support increased video consumption.

Out of all the different age groups, 18-24 year olds show signs of watching DVR and online video the same amount of time, according to Nielsen - watching timeshifted video for five hours and 47 minutes per month, and watching online video for five hours and thee minutes each month.


Источник: IPTV news

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