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ETSI announces IMS-IPTV interop test

10 июня 2009

The European Telecom Standards Institute announced Monday it is convening a testing event for IPTV and IMS core network deployments under the ETSI Plugfest brand.

The event will set up parallel testing streams for the two technologies to test interoperability and address any issues when the two systems operate in the same network.

Vendors and service providers are keen to fix any interoperability issues with IPTV delivery over IMS, as an IMS-based IPTV offering can blend voice and data services with TV services to create attractive, integrated consumer products. The ETSI said this is the first IPTV over IMS interoperability test, and it said it will be open to vendors with any IPTV components that have been designed to operate with IMS, including user equipment like set-top boxes and TVs, IPTV application servers, video media servers, Resource Admission Control Subsystem gateways, and other core IMS products, according to Light Reading. 


Источник: FierceIPTV

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