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Broadband growth strong in India in Q1

17 июня 2009

Of the world's top 20 broadband markets by subscribers, India recorded the fastest growth in the first quarter of this year, adding 1.13 million lines.

That compares with the addition of 16.6 million new connections worldwide, taking the global total to 429.2 million, according to new figures from Point Topic, published by the Broadband Forum on Tuesday.

India posted subscriber growth of 13.4%, ending the quarter with 6.11 million connections, making it the 15th largest broadband market in the world.

Meanwhile neighbouring Sri Lanka recorded the biggest growth at 18%, albeit from a small base. At the end of Q1 the country was home to 118,000 connections, putting it in 71st place globally.

The figures show that China and the U.S. remain ahead of other markets by some margin with 88.09 million and 83.97 million lines respectively. Growth in China was 5.66% during the quarter and 4.14% in the U.S. China added 4.8 million lines in Q1.

Third-placed Japan recorded growth of just over 1% to 30.63 million lines, while ninth-placed Brazil was the only member of the top 10 to see bigger growth than China at 5.81%.

Germany recorded the highest growth among the big European markets at 4.08%, and has the largest number of broadband lines at 24.14 million. Growth rates among the remainder of the top 10 ranged from France with 2.95% down to South Korea at 1.52%.

Western Europe retained its position as the region with the most broadband connections, ending Q1 with over 108 million, but South and East Asia is hot on its heels, reporting a 26.04% annual growth rate to reach 99.03 million.

The fastest yearly growth came from Latin America at 36.17% (27.95 million connections), followed by Eastern Europe at 30.04% (23.61 million).

Latin America also pipped Eastern Europe at the top of the IPTV growth league, according to a second set of numbers compiled by Point Topic and released by the Broadband Forum on Tuesday.

At the end of Q1 2009 there were 23,467 IPTV subscribers in Latin America, up 109.85% on-year. Growth in Eastern Europe came in at 109.38%, although the base was higher at 1.16 million.

"Growth is high in Eastern Europe because take-up is still relatively low when compared to other regions such as North America and Asia Pacific," explained John Bonsell, senior analyst at Point Topic, in a statement accompanying the figures.

"This is good news for operators and subscribers because there is plenty of potential for growth coupled with a wide range of IPTV services, so cost should remain low," he added.

Источник: Total Telecom

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