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Consumers Want Touchscreens in their 3G Mobile Phones

05 ноября 2009

3G Smartphone manufacturers are looking pretty according to a new mobile phone survey from Canalys. The main finding of the survey undertaken by Canalys, who surveyed over 3000 3G mobile phone subscribers in the UK, Germany and France, was that nearly forty percent of those surveyed preferred a touchscreen on their mobile phone and ideally finger operated.

A further sixteen percent of those surveyed preferred a touchscreen with a stylus. The research indicates a consumer switch to touchscreen mobile devices. The researchers also probed consumers regarding the User Interfaces ( UIs ) they currently have on their 3G mobile phones.

Of those who used a touchscreen mobile on a regular basis, forty seven percent said they would choose the same UI to be on their next mobile.

Apple and HTC and stood out as having a much higher proportion of users wanting to stick with the same type of UI, while Sony Ericsson had the lowest proportion among the major handset vendors, at just 29%. The group with the least desire for finger-centric touchscreen products was, interestingly, those that currently use a stylus-based device.  The group of users with the least desire for finger-centric touchscreen products was, interestingly, those that currently use a stylus-based device.

Overall, future interest in finger-centric touchscreens varied little across demographic groups, tariff types and countries, reinforcing the view that they have mass-market appeal. Men showed a slightly higher preference than women – 40% versus 35%. Those aged between 22 and 45 were more positive than those in younger and older age groups, but again the differences were not dramatic.

“We are at a critical time in the mobile industry,” commented Canalys VP Mike Welch. “The user awareness and interest is clearly there, and the opportunity to drive a mass change in user interaction, and hence device capabilities and the opening up of new application and service revenue streams, is tantalisingly close. But only if users continue to embrace these new UIs once they have tried them. This is the new arena in which mobile vendors must differentiate themselves, and the user experience battle will spread to other product categories, such as netbooks.

Источник: 3G.co.uk

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