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Orange to switch on to television after BT deal

12 мая 2010

Orange has revived its long-held ambition to offer TV services over the broadband network.

The mobile operator, which has access to almost 30 million customers after a merger with T-Mobile’s UK arm in March, outsourced its fixed-line network to BT last month.

It will now piggyback on BT’s more advanced network that extends its coverage to the entire country.

The BT deal means that a plan to offer TV services over the broadband network, originally slated for late 2007, is firmly back on the agenda, although a launch is not imminent.

Entering the TV fray would mean that Orange could better compete with the likes of Virgin Media, BT and BSkyB — which is 39.1 per cent owned by News Corporation, parent company of The Times — in bundling a number or services into one package.

TalkTalk, which inherited a small TV unit when it acquired Tiscali, is waiting in the wings for a wider push into the TV sector.

At present Virgin Media is the only telecoms company to offer “quadplay” packages with mobile, fixed-line, broadband and TV on one bill, but any move by Orange to enter the TV market would provide more competition for the cable company.


Источник: Times Online

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