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“First came smartphones, now we need smarter networks”

26 октября 2010

At Broadband World Forum 2010, Nokia Siemens Networks outlines vision and approach for networks designed, managed and used smartly.

Nokia Siemens Networks will showcase its focus on providing smarter networks at Broadband World Forum 2010 in Paris from October 26 – 28. Smart networks are needed by operators to cope with the huge increase in smart devices. Smart networks provide the communications experience people expect, increase customer satisfaction and ultimately generate more revenue.

Speaking on the theme ‘Smart networks for smart business’, Bosco Novak, chief of customer operations at Nokia Siemens Networks, said: “A rethink of how all networks are built is necessary to enable operators to meet their customers’ demands. Our smarter networks combine the best mobile and fixed technology to be flexible enough to allow operators to address their customers’ needs, further improving customer satisfaction.”

As part of a series of technology showcases, the company will present:

  • Phantom DSL that aims to help operators maximize the value of existing, widely deployed copper lines;
  • A new approach to Managed Transport Services, which aims to maximize network capacity and optimize transport network running costs;
  • A sneak preview of its CloudStreet platform that allows operators to trade bandwidth in line with demand, creating a spot market for Carrier Ethernet capacity; and
  • Its ‘Security as a Service’ solution, which enables operators to offer hosted security services.

In addition to these showcases, experts from the company will conduct a series of workshops and breakout sessions to help operators fully understand the smart ways to build smarter networks.

The company is also hosting a press briefing on “Smart networks for smart devices – the pace is picking up”.


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